


 − パウロ伝(14) −
The Life of St. Paul
James Stalker

(コリントI 12:31、14:1)


29. At Jerusalem.--We cannot tell in what year Paul's education at the college of Jerusalem was finished or where he went immediately afterward.

29.エルサレムで ・・私たちはパウロのエルサレムの大学での教育が何年で終わったのか、またその後すぐに彼がどこにいったのかを知らない。
The young rabbis, after completing their studies, scattered in the same way as our own divinity students do, and began practical work in different parts of the Jewish world. 若いラビたちは学びを終えた後、私たちの時代の学生たちがするのと同様に、ユダヤの各地で実際の仕事を始めた。
He may have gone back to his native Cilicia and held office in some synagogue there. 彼は恐らく故郷のキリキヤに戻り、そしてそこにあるどこかの会堂で職に就いたであろう。
At all events, he was for some years at a distance from Jerusalem and Palestine; for these were the very years in which fell the movement of John the Baptist and the ministry of Jesus, and it is certain that Paul could not have been in the vicinity without being involved in both of these movements either as a friend or as a foe. いずれにせよ、彼は何年かエルサレムとパレスチナから離れていた。なぜならパレスチナではバプテスマのヨハネの運動とイエスの宣教があった時であったから、近くにいたらそれらの運動と、支援者としてであれ敵としてであれ、関係なしには済まなかったことは確かである。

30. But before long he returned to Jerusalem.

It was as natural for the highest rabbinical talent to gravitate in those times to Jerusalem as it is for the highest literary and commercial talent to gravitate in our day to the metropolis. 当時最高のラビとしての才能の持ち主がエルサレムに引き寄せられるのは同然であった。 今日、文学や商業に関する最高の才能の持ち主が大都会に引き寄せられるのと同様である。
He arrived in the capital of Judaism very soon after the death of Jesus; and we can easily imagine the representations of that event and of the career thereby terminated which he would receive from his Pharisaic friends. 彼はイエスの死の直後にユダヤ主義の中心地にやってきた。そして彼がその地で起きたできごとと、そこで人生を終えた人物についての報告を、パリサイ派の仲間たちが受けたことは容易に想像することができる。
We have no reason to suppose that as yet he had any doubts about his own religion. 彼が自分の宗教に対して何らかの疑いを持ったと想像する理由はなにもない。
We gather, indeed, from his writings that he had already passed through severe mental conflicts. 実際、私たちは彼の書いたものを集めることによって、彼は既に精神的な悩みを過ぎてしまっていたように思われる。
Although the conviction still stood fast in his mind that the blessedness of life was attainable only in the favor of God, yet his efforts to reach this coveted position by the observance of the law had not satisfied him. 人生の祝福は神の愛顧に達することにあるという思いは彼の納得として留まっていたけれども、律法の遵守は彼を満足させていなかった。
On the contrary, the more he strove to keep the law the more active became the motions of sin within him; his conscience was becoming more oppressed with the sense of guilt, and the peace of a soul at rest in God was a prize which eluded his grasp. 逆に律法を保つことを努力すればするほど彼の内の罪の意識が働いた。彼の良心は罪の意識で押しつぶされ、神によるたましいの平安は握った彼の手からすべり落ちた。
Still he did not question the teaching of the synagogue. それでも彼は会堂で教えられていることに疑問を持たなかった。
To him as yet this was of one piece with the history of the Old Testament, whence looked down on him the figures of the saints and prophets, which were a guarantee that the system they represented must be divine, and behind which he saw the God of Israel revealing himself in the giving of the law. その時にはまだ律法は彼にとって旧約聖書の歴史のひとこまであった。そこで聖人と預言者たちの姿が彼を見下ろしていて、その背後に彼自身に律法を与えた神を見たのであった。
The reason why he had not attained to peace and fellowship with God was, he believed, because he had not struggled enough with the evil of his nature or honored enough the precepts of the law. 神との交わりの平安に到達できなかった理由を、彼は悪しきものとの戦いが不十分で律法の教えに十分忠実でないことにあると信じていた。
Was there no service by which he could make up for all deficiencies and win that grace at last in which the great of old had stood? すべての不足を満たし、昔の偉大な人物たちが立ち処とした恩寵をやがて勝ち取ることができる、そういう奉仕はないのだろうか?
This was the temper of mind in which he returned to Jerusalem, and learned with astonishment and indignation of the rise of a sect which believed that Jesus who had been crucified was the Messiah of the Jewish people. これがエルサレムに帰ってきた時の彼のこころのじょうたいであった。そしてユダヤ人の救世主として十字架に架けられたイエスを信じる一派の起きてきたことに驚きと義憤を感じた。