


 − パウロ伝(47) −
The Life of St. Paul
James Stalker

(コリントI 12:31、14:1)


137. After the services just described were over, the members sat down together to a love-feast, which was wound up with the breaking of bread in the Lord's Supper; and then, after a fraternal kiss, they parted to their homes.

It was a memorable scene, radiant with brotherly love and alive with outbreaking spiritual power. それは兄弟愛の輝きと霊的力の発露に生きている記念の光景であった。
As the Christians wended their way homeward through the careless groups of the heathen city, they were conscious of having experienced that which eye had not seen nor ear heard. キリスト者として彼らは、田舎町の何も意に介していない集団の間を通って自分たちの家に行った。彼らは目が見たことのないもの、耳が聞いたことのないものについて経験したという意識があった。

138. Abuses and Irregularities.

But truth demands that the dark side of the picture be shown as well as the bright one. しかし光の側同様に暗闇の側の真実の絵も示される必要がある。
There were abuses and irregularities in the Church which it is exceedingly painful to recall. 考えただけでも非常に痛みを覚える悪い慣習と不品行が教会の中にあった。
These were due to two things--the antecedents of the members and the mixture in the Church of Jewish and Gentile elements. それらは二つの原因からきていて、ひとつは教会員の過去、もう一つは教会の中ユダヤ人と異邦人の要素が入り交じっていたことにあった。
If it be remembered how vast was the change which most of the members had made in passing from the worship of the heathen temples to the pure and simple worship of Christianity, it will not excite surprise that their old life still clung to them or that they did not clearly distinguish which things needed to be changed and which might continue as they had been. 大方の教会員が異教の神殿での礼拝から、キリスト教の純粋で単純な礼拝をすることになっていかに大きな変化があったかを記憶するなら、彼らがいまだに過去の生活を捨てきれないで、変わらなければならないことがらをはっきり消し去ることがなく、過去の生活が続けられていたとしてもひどく驚くことはない。

139. Yet it startles us to learn that some of them were living in gross sensuality, and that the more philosophical defended this on principle.

One member, apparently a person of wealth and position, was openly living in a connection which would have been a scandal even among heathens, and, though Paul had indignantly written to have him excommunicated, the Church had failed to obey, affecting to misunderstand the order. ある教会員は明らかに富み地位のある人物であるが、異教徒の間でもスキャンダルである生活を公然と行っていた。それでパウロはその人物を破門せよと叱責の手紙書いたが、教会はその命令を誤解した振りをして従わなかった。
Others had been allured back to take part in the feasts in the idol temples, notwithstanding their accompaniments of drunkenness and revelry. 他のものは、偶像の神殿の祭りは大酒と馬鹿騒ぎがつきものであるにも関わらず、ためらわず加わっていた。
They excused themselves with the plea that they no longer ate the feast in honor of the gods, but only as an ordinary meal, and argued that they would have to go out of the world if they were not sometimes to associate with sinners. 彼らは神々を称えたのではなく普通の食事をしたのだという理由をつけて自らを容認した。そして時には罪人の仲間に加わらないなら、この世から出て行かなければならなくなると主張した。

140. It is evident that these abuses belonged to the Gentile section of the Church.

In the Jewish section, on the other hand, there were strange doubts and scruples about the same subjects. 一方教会の中のユダヤ人たちには、同じ事柄についての奇妙な疑いとためらいがあった。
Some, for instance, revolted with the loose behavior of their Gentile brethren, had gone to the opposite extreme, denouncing marriage altogether and raising anxious questions as to whether widows might marry again, whether a Christian married to a heathen wife ought to put her away, and other points of the same nature.  たとえば異邦人の兄弟たちのだらしのない振る舞いを嫌悪したある人々は反対側の極端に走った。お互いの結婚を非難し、寡婦がふたたび結婚してよいのか、不信者の妻と結婚しているキリスト者は彼女を去らせるべきか、というような事柄に疑念を抱いた。
While some of the Gentile converts were participating in the idol feasts, some of the Jewish ones had scruples about buying in the market the meat which had been offered in sacrifice to idols, and looked with censure on their brethren who allowed themselves this freedom. 異邦人の改宗者のあるひとびとが偶像の祭りに加わっている間に、ユダヤ人のあるひとびとは、市場で売られている偶像に献げられた肉を買って良いか疑った。そしてそのことを気にしない兄弟たちを非難の目で見ていた。

141. These difficulties belonged to the domestic life of the Christians; but, in their public meetings also, there were grave irregularities.

The very gifts of the Spirit were perverted into instruments of sin; for those possessed of the more showy gifts, such as miracles and tongues, were too fond of displaying them, and turned them into grounds of boasting. 正に聖霊の賜物そのものが罪の道具に誤用された。なぜなら彼らが持っているものは異言のような目立つ賜物であったから、それを吹聴する素地があったのである。
This led to confusion and even uproar; for sometimes two or three of those who spoke with tongues would be pouring forth their unintelligible utterances at once, so that, as Paul said, if any stranger had entered their meeting, he would have concluded that they were all mad. これが混乱と騒ぎに導いた。というのしばしば二人か三人の異言を語るひとが同時に理解できない表現で語ったからであった。それでパウロは、誰か教会外のひとが彼らの集会に入ってきたら彼らを狂っていると思うに違いないと言った。
The prophets spoke at wearisome length, and too many pressed forward to take part in the services. 預言者たちはうんざりするほど長く語り、礼拝の中に占める割合があまりにも大きかった。
Paul had sternly to rebuke these extravagances, insisting on the principle that the spirits of the prophets were subject to the prophets, and that, therefore, the spiritual impulse was no apology for disorder. パウロはこれらの行き過ぎを厳しく責め、預言者の霊は預言者に従属するものであるから、霊的衝動を混乱の言い訳にしてはならないという原理を強調した。