


 − パウロ伝(49) −
The Life of St. Paul
James Stalker

(コリントI 12:31、14:1)

146-148. THE QUESTION AT ISSUE. 問題の核心に対する質問
149-153. THE SETTLEMENT OF IT. その解決
   149, 150. By Peter; ペテロによって
   151. By Paul; パウロによって
   152, 153. By the Council of Jerusalem. エルサレム会議によって
   154-156. Attempt to unsettle it. 妨害の企て
   157,158. Paul crushes the Judaizers. パウロ、ユダヤ主義を粉砕
   159-162. A subordinate Branch of the Question: the Relation of Christian Jews to the Law. 付属する問題:ユダヤ人キリスト者と律法

145. The version of the apostle's life supplied in his own letters is largely occupied with a controversy which cost him much pain and took up much of his time for many years, but of which Luke says little.

At the date when Luke wrote, it was a dead controversy, and it belonged to a different plane from that along which his story moves. ルカが書いた時にはその論争は終わった後で、パウロの物語は別の場面に移っていた。
But at the time when it was raging, it tried Paul far more than tiresome journeys or angry seas. しかしその論争が荒れ狂っていた時、それは退屈な旅とか荒れ狂う海より遙にパウロを試みた。
It was at its hottest about the close of his third journey, and the Epistles already mentioned as having been written then may be said to have been evoked by it. 第3次伝道旅行が終わろうとしていた時、それはもっとも激しかった。そして先にその頃書かれたと指摘した書簡は、その論争から引き出されたものだと言えるであろう。
The Epistle to the Galatians especially was a thunderbolt hurled against his opponents in this controversy; and its burning sentences show how profoundly he was moved by the subject. 殊にガラテヤ人への手紙は論争の相手に向かって雷のように打ち出された。そしてそれによって彼がいかに強く動かされていたか、炎の文章がそれを示している。

146. The Question at Issue.

--The question at issue was whether the Gentiles were required to become Jews before they could be true Christians; or, in other words, whether they had to be circumcised in order to be saved. ・・論争の問題点は、異邦人にキリスト教徒になる前にユダヤ教徒になることを要求するか否かであって、言い換えれば救われる前に割礼を受けるべきか否かであった。

147. It had pleased God in the primitive times to choose the Jewish race from among the nations and make it the repository of salvation; and, till the advent of Christ, those from other nations who wished to become partakers of the true religion had to seek entrance as proselytes within the sacred enclosure of Israel.

Having thus destined this race to be the guardians of revelation, God had to separate them very completely from all other nations and from all other aims which might have distracted their attention from the sacred trust which had been committed to them. こうしてこの人種を啓示の守護者と定めたことによって、神はすべての他の国民と、彼らと交わした神聖な契約から彼らの興味をそらせるかも知れない全ての物事から、彼らを完全に分離させられた。
For this purpose he regulated their whole life with rules and arrangements intended to make them a peculiar people, different from all other races of the earth. この目的のために神は、彼らを地上の他の人種と違う特別な民にすることを意図し、彼らの全生活を規則と制度によって統制された。
Every detail of their life--their forms of worship, their social customs, their dress, their food--was prescribed for them; and all these prescriptions were embodied in that vast legal instrument which they called the Law. 彼らの生活の細々としたどの項目・・彼らの礼拝、社会習慣、衣服、食物、・・も彼らに対して規定された。そしてこれらの記述は彼らが律法と呼んでいる広い法的な条文に具体化された。
The rigorous prescription of so many things which are naturally left to free choice was a heavy yoke upon the chosen people; it was a severe discipline to the conscience, and such it was felt to be by the more earnest spirits of the nation. 通常は自然のまま放置される非常に多くの事柄に関する厳格な記述が、選ばれた民に重いくびきとなった。それは良心に厳しい規則であってその、国民の中のより熱心な魂によってそう感じられるのであった。
But others saw in it a badge of pride; it made them feel that they were the select of the earth and superior to all other people; and, instead of groaning under the yoke, as they would have done if their consciences had been very tender, they multiplied the distinctions of the Jew, swelling the volume of the prescriptions of the law with stereotyped customs of their own. しかし他の人々はそれを誇りの記章と見なした。彼らは自分たちが地上において他の人々に優越する選ばれた民であると思った。そして、もし彼らの良心が柔かであったら、くびきの下にうめいたことであろうが、ユダヤ人としての識別項目を増やし、律法の規則を増やし、彼ら自身の習慣を形式化した。
To be a Jew appeared to them the mark of belonging to the aristocracy of the nations; to be admitted to the privileges of this position was in their eyes the greatest honor which could be conferred on one who did not belong to the commonwealth of Israel. ユダヤ人であることは、諸国民の中の上流階級に属する印であって、この地位の名誉に同意し、イスラエル社会に属していなかった者がその地位を与えられることは彼らの目に最大の賞賛であった。
Their thoughts were all pent within the circle of this national conceit. 彼らの思考は国民的誇りのなかに閉じ込められた。
Even their hopes about the Messiah were colored with these prejudices; they expected Him to be the hero of their own nation, and the extension of His kingdom they conceived as a crowding of the other nations within the circle of their own through the gateway of circumcision. 救い主に関する彼らの望みでさえもこの偏見に彩られた。彼らは救い主に自分の民の英雄であることを期待した。そして救い主の王国は拡大し、他の国民の群がる中に彼ら自身の王国がその中心に位置し、割礼がその通路であるとした。
They expected that all the converts of the Messiah would undergo this national rite and adopt the life prescribed in the Jewish law and tradition; in short, their conception of Messiah's reign was a world of Jews. 彼らはすべての救い主の回心者がこの国民の礼典に従い、ユダヤ人の律法と伝統に書かれている生活を選ぶと思った。手短に言えば救い主の概念はユダヤ世界の統治であった。

148. Such undoubtedly was the tenor of popular sentiment in Palestine when Christ came; and multitudes of those who accepted Jesus as the Messiah and entered the Christian Church had this set of conceptions as their intellectual horizon.

They had become Christians, but they had not ceased to be Jews; they still attended the temple worship; they prayed at the stated hours, they fasted on the stated days, they dressed in the style of the Jewish ritual; they would have thought themselves defiled by eating with uncircumcised Gentiles; and they had no thought but that, if Gentiles became Christians, they would be circumcised and adopt the style and customs of the Jewish nation. かれらはキリスト者になったが、ユダヤ人であることを止めていなかった。彼らはなお神殿の礼拝に出席していた。彼らは決められた時間に祈った。彼らは定められた火に断食した。彼らはユダヤ人のスタイルの儀式の服装をしていた。彼らは割礼を受けていない異邦人と一緒に食事をすることを拒んだ。もし異邦人がキリスト者になったらということに何の考えもなかった。彼らはユダヤ国民の習慣である割礼に同意していた。