


 − パウロ伝(51) −
The Life of St. Paul
James Stalker

(コリントI 12:31、14:1)


153. So the agitating question appeared to be settled by an authority so august that none could question it.

If Peter, John and James, the pillars of the church at Jerusalem, as well as Paul and Barnabas, the heads of the Gentile mission, arrived at a unanimous decision, all consciences might be satisfied and all opposing mouths stopped. もしもエルサレム教会の柱であるペテロ、ヨハネとヤコブが、異邦人宣教の指導者であるパウロとバルナバと同一の見解に達したなら、全員の良心が納得し、反対者の口を閉じさせたはずであった。

154. Attempt to Unsettle.--It fills us with amazement to discover that even this settlement was not final.

It would appear that, even at the time when it was come to, it was fiercely opposed by some who were present at the meeting where it was discussed; and, although the authority of the apostles determined the official note which was sent to the distant churches, the Christian community at Jerusalem was agitated with storms of angry opposition to it. 当時でさえその時が来ると、激しい反対が議論された会合に出席していたうちのある人々によって明らかにされたのであろう。使徒たちの権威によって決定された公式の文書が遠くの教会に送られたが、エルサレムのキリスト者社会はそれに怒って反対し、それをけなした。
Nor did the opposition soon die down. というか反対は急には消滅しなかった。
On the contrary, it waxed stronger and stronger. 反対に、それは強く強くこびり付いていた。
It was fed from abundant sources. それはたくさんの原因によって助長された。
Fierce national pride and prejudice sustained it; probably it was nourished by self-interest, because the Jewish Christians would live on easier terms with the non-Christian Jews the loss the difference between them was understood to be; religious conviction, rapidly warming into fanaticism, strengthened it; and very soon it was reinforced by all the rancor of hatred and the zeal of propagandism. 激しい民族的誇り、偏見がそれを支えた。ユダヤ人のキリスト者は比較的緩い規則で生活していたから、キリスト者でないユダヤ人との違いをなくしたいという利己心も働いていたかも知れない。宗教的納得は急速に熱狂と変わる畏れがあり、非常にはやく嫌悪の敵意、熱烈な宣伝によってそれが強められた。
For to such a height did this opposition rise that the party which was inflamed with it at length resolved to send out propagandists to visit the Gentile churches one by one and, in contradiction to the official apostolic rescript, warn them that they were imperilling their souls by omitting circumcision, and could not enjoy the privileges of true Christianity unless they kept the Jewish law. というのはこの反対は反対者の団体を立ち上がらせ、ひとりまたひとりと、異邦人教会に宣伝者を訪問させるために送り出すほどの高さに達した。そして使徒からの公的な布告とは反対に、割礼をやめることによって彼らの魂を危うくすると警告した。そしてユダヤ教の律法を守ることなしには真のキリスト教の利益に与ることはできないと主張した。

155. For years and years these emissaries of a narrow-minded fanaticism, which believed itself to be the only genuine Christianity, diffused themselves over all the churches founded by Paul throughout the Gentile world.

Their work was not to found churches of their own; they had none of the original pioneer ability of their great rival. 彼らの働きによって彼ら独自の教会を建てることはなかった。彼らの中に、彼らの偉大な競争相手のようなオリジナルな先駆者は誰ひとりいなかった。
Their business was to steal into the Christian communities he had founded and win them to their own narrow views. 彼らの仕事はキリスト者社会に忍び込み、彼ら自身の狭い見解をキリスト者たちに植え付けることであった。
They haunted Paul's footsteps wherever he went, and for many years were a cause to him of unspeakable pain. 彼らはパウロが行ったどこにでもパウロの足跡を追跡し、長年にわたってパウロにとって言いがたい苦痛の原因となった。
They whispered to his converts that his version of the gospel was not the true one, and that his authority was not to be trusted. 彼はパウロの回心者たちにパウロの福音は本物ではない、パウロの権威は信頼がおけないとささやいた。
Was he one of the twelve apostles? パウロは十二使徒のひとりだろうか?
Had he kept company with Christ? パウロはキリストの仲間だったか?
They represented themselves as having brought the true form of Christianity from Jerusalem, the sacred headquarters; and they did not scruple to profess that they had been sent from the apostles there. 彼らは自分たちはエルサレムの教会の神聖な本部から派遣されたと言ってが、自分たちはその地に派遣された使者であると主張することにこころの咎めを覚えなかった。
They distorted the very noblest parts of Paul's conduct to their purpose. 彼らは自分たちの目的に従って、パウロの行為の非常に高貴な部分をねじ曲げた。
For instance, his refusal to accept money for his services they imputed to a sense of his own lack of authority: the real apostles always received pay. 例えば、パウロがその働きに対して報酬を受けないのは彼が権威に欠けるためで、真の使徒は報酬を受けるとした。
In the same way they misconstrued his abstinence from marriage. 同じようの方法で、彼が結婚をしていないことについても誤解させた。
They were men not without ability for the work they had undertaken: they had smooth, insinuating tongues, they could assume an air of dignity, and they did not stick at trifles. 彼らは自分たちの働きをする能力をもっていな人々ではなかった。彼らはなめらかな遠回しにあてこする舌の持ち主であった。彼らは気高さを装い、些細なことについてまごつくことはなかった。