


 − キリスト伝(16) −
James Stalker


Paragraphs 116-118.
The Change of Sentiment towards Him.
The Causes of Opposiion
119-131. Opposition of the influential Classes. 有力者たちの反対
119. The Sadducsees サドカイ人
120-130. The Pharisees’ Reasons for opposing Him. パリサイ人の彼への反対理由
122,123. Their Preconceptions; 彼らの偏見
124. His Lowly Origin. イエスの卑しい生まれ
125. His Followers. イエスの弟子たち
126. His Disregard of Tradition. イエスの言い伝えの統無視
127. The Sabbath. 安息日
128,129. Imputations of Blasphemy and Alliance with the Evil One. 悪魔と結託し神を汚しているという非難
130. Progress of Their Opposition. 彼らの反対の進展
131. Helod. ヘロデ
132-135. Alienation of the Common People. 一般民衆の離反
132. Popular Opinion of Him. 彼に対する一般の人々の見解
133. Effect of the Five Thousand. 五千人の給食の影響
134. Refusal of Jesus to be their King. 彼らの王となることへのイエスの拒絶
136-143. The Changes Aspect of His Ministry. 彼の伝道の様相の変化
136-138. The Sifting of the Disciples. 弟子たちがふるいにかけられた
137. Wandering with them in Remote Parts, their Great Confession. へんぴな土地をさまよう、弟子たちの大いなる告白
138. Prediction of His Sufferings, their Blindness. イエスの苦難の予言、弟子たちの盲目さ
139-142. His Own Thoughts and Feeling at this Period. この時期におけるイエス自身の考えと気持ち
140. Prayerfuless. 祈りに満たされる
141. The Transflguration. 変貌
142. Departure from Galilee and Journey to Jerusalem. ガリラヤからの出発とエルサレムへの旅
143. The Sanhedrim resolves on His Death. 議会の彼への死刑判決
FOR a whole year Jesus pursued His work in Galilee with incessant energy, moving among the pitiable crowds that solicited His miraculous help, and seizing every opportunity of pouring His words of grace and truth into the ears of the multitude or of the solitary anxious inquirer. イエスは一年間、ガリラヤで絶え間なく精力を注いで働きを続け、彼の奇跡の助けを求める哀れな群衆の間を巡り歩き、機会を捉えては群衆や真剣に求めてくる一人の人にも恵みと真理の言葉を注いだ。
In hundreds of homes, to whose inmates He had restored health and joy, His name must have become a household word; in thousands of minds, whose depths His preaching had stirred, He must have been cherished with gratitude and love. 家庭の一員に健康と喜びを回復してやった家庭は何百もあって、彼の名は通り文句となった。幾千の心に彼の説教は興奮を与え、彼は喜びと愛を抱かれた。
Wider and wider rang the echoes of His fame. 彼の名声はますます広く行き渡った。
For a time it seemed as if all Galilee were to become His disciples, and as if the movement so set a going might easily roll southward, overbearing all opposition and enveloping the whole land in an enthusiasm of love for the Healer and of obedience to the Teacher. 一時、全ガリラヤが彼の弟子になったように見えた。そしてその運動は容易に南にも展開でき、すべての反対を抑え、国全体を癒し主への愛の熱狂に包み込み、教師に服従しそうに見えた。
But the twelve months had scarcely passed when it became sadly evident that this was not to be. しかし12ヶ月経つやいなや、そのようなことは起きないという悲しむべき証拠がでてきた。
The Galilean mind turned out to be stony ground, where the seed of the kingdom rushed quickly up, but just as quickly withered away. ガリラヤ人のこころは石地に変わり、神の国の種が速やか芽を出したところで、同じように速やかに枯れた。
The change was sudden and complete, and at once altered all the features of the life of Jesus. その変化は急激かつ完全であった。そしていっぺんにイエスの生活の姿を変化させた。
He lingered in Galilee for six months longer; but these months were very unlike the first twelve. 彼はガリラヤに6ヶ月に渡って身を避けた。しかしその月々は最初の12ヶ月とは非常に異なった。
The voices that rose around Him were no longer the ringing shouts of gratitude and applause, but voices of opposition, bitter and blasphemous. 彼の周りでおきる声はもはや歓迎と喝采の叫びではなく、反対と皮肉と冒涜であった。
He was no longer to be seen moving from one populous place to another in the heart of the country, welcomed everywhere by those who waited to experience or to see His miracles, and followed by thousands eager not to lose a word of His discourses. ある名の知れた場所から国内の密かな場所に移動しても、どこに行っても彼の奇跡を経験しあるいは見たいと期待する人々に歓迎され、数千の熱心な人々が彼の説教を一言も聞き逃すまいと思ってついてくる姿はもはや見られなかった。
He was a fugitive, seeking the most distant and outlandish places and accompanied only by a handful of followers. 彼はほんの僅かの弟子達を連れてもっとも離れたへんぴな場所を探す逃亡者であった。
At the six months’ end He left Galilee for ever, but not, as might at one time have been anticipated, borne aloft on the wave of public acknowledgment, to make an easy conquest of the hearts of the southern part of the country and take victorious possession of a Jerusalem unable to resist the unanimous voice of the people. その六ヶ月の終わりに彼はガリラヤを永久に去った。しか、一時は期待されていた、民衆の感謝の波に乗り、国の南部の人々のこころに容易に征服して、民の一致した声に抵抗できないエルサレムを、勝利を持って攻め取るためではなかった。
He did, indeed, labour for six months more in the southern part of the land—in Judaea and Peraea; nor were there awanting, where His miracles were seen for the first time, the same signs of public enthusiasm as had greeted Him in the first months of joy in Galilee; but the most which He effected was to add a few to the company of His faithful disciples. 事実、彼はユダヤとペレアの南部で六ヶ月間働いた。そこではじめは彼の奇跡が見られ、ガリラヤの場合と同様最初の月には歓迎の民衆の熱狂の印がみられた。しかし大部分は彼の親密な弟子たちの仲間にいくらかの影響を与えたのであった。
He did, indeed, from the day He left Galilee, set His face stedfastly towards Jerusalem; and the six months He spent in Peraea and Judaea may be regarded as occupied with a slow journey thither; but the journey was begun in the full assurance, which He openly expressed to the disciples, that in the capital He was to receive no triumph over enthusiastic hearts and minds convinced, but to meet with a final national rejection and be killed instead of crowned. 事実彼はガリラヤを去った日から彼の顔をしっかりとエルサレムに向けていた。そしてペレアとユダヤで六ヶ月過ごしたが、それはその地でのゆっくりとした旅で占められていた。しかし、その旅は十分な確証の始まりであった。そこで彼は弟子たちに次のことを明確に説明した。首都において彼は、熱心な心と、悟った精神に歓呼を受けるのでなく、最終的な国民の拒絶をうけ王冠に代えて殺されるのであることを。
We must trace the causes and the progress of this change in the sentiment of the Galileans, and this sad turn in the career of Jesus. 私たちはガリラヤ人の感情の変化の理由と進み具合、そしてこの悲しいユダヤ人の経歴の変化の跡を追わなければならない。
119. 119.
From the very first the learned and influential classes had taken up an attitude of opposition to Him. 一番はじめから、学者たちや有力者階級の人々は彼に反対する態度をとり続けた。
The more worldly sections of them, indeed—the Sadducees and Herodians—for a long time paid little attention to Him. 事実、彼らの中の最も世的な党派・・サドカイ人たちとヘロデ党の人々・・は、長いこと彼に何の注意も払わなかった。
They had their own affairs to mind—their wealth, their court influence, their amusements. 彼らは彼らの富と、宮廷における影響力、そして自分たちの娯楽にのみ関心を払った。
They cared little for a religious movement going on among the lower orders. 彼らは下層の人々の間に進行する宗教運動をほとんど気にしなかった。
The public rumour that one professing to be the Messiah had appeared did not excite their interest, for they did not share the popular expectations on the subject. 誰かが救い主が現れたと言ったという世の噂は、彼らの興味を刺激しなかった。なぜならその事柄に対する民衆の期待を、共にすることはなかったからであった。
They said to each other that this was only one more of the pretenders whom the peculiar ideas of the populace were sure to raise up from time to time. 彼らはお互いにその時々におきてくる民衆の考えにそって、救世主のふりをしているだけだといいあった。
It was only when the movement seemed to them to be threatening to lead to a political revolt, which would bring down the iron hand of their Roman masters on the country, afford the procurator an excuse for new extortions, and imperil their property and comforts, that they roused themselves to pay any attention to Him. 彼らが関心を示したのは、それらの運動が政治的な暴動に発展し、国の主人であるローマ人の鉄槌をもたらし、総督に搾取の口実を与え、彼らの平穏と快適さを危険にさらす恐れのあるときのみであった。それ故、彼らはイエスに何の関心も払わなかったのであった。