


 − パウロ伝(55) −
The Life of St. Paul
James Stalker

(コリントI 12:31、14:1)


165. Paul's Arrest.

--It was the feast of Pentecost when he arrived in the city of his fathers, and, as usual at such seasons, Jerusalem was crowded with hundreds of thousands of pilgrim Jews from all parts of the world. 彼が父祖たちの町に着いたのはペンテコステの祭りの時であった。いつもその季節には、エルサレムは世界中からやってきた何十万人ものユダヤ人巡礼者が群がっていた。
Among these there could not but be many who had seen him at the work of evangelization in the cities of the heathen and come into collision with him there. そのようなひとびとの中に、異邦人の町で宣教の働きをしている彼を見、彼と衝突をした多くのひとびとがいないはずがない。
Their rage against him had been checked in foreign lands by the interposition of Gentile authority; but might they not, if they met with him in the Jewish capital, wreak on him their vengeance with the support of the whole population? 外国では彼らのパウロに対する怒りは異邦人の官憲によって抑えられていたが、ユダヤの主都で出会ったとなるとそうはいかなかった。全群衆の後押しを得て彼らの恨みを晴らさなかったはずがない。

166. This was actually the danger into which he fell.

Certain Jews from Ephesus, the principal scene of his labors during his third journey, recognized him in the temple and, crying out that here was the heretic who blasphemed the Jewish nation, law and temple, brought about him in an instant a raging sea of fanaticism. パウロの第三次伝道旅行の中心地であったエペソからきた幾人かのユダヤ人たちが神殿で彼を見つけ、ユダヤ民族と律法と神殿を汚した異端者がここにいるぞ、と叫びだした。たちまち熱狂の荒れる海が彼を包んだ
It is a wonder he was not torn limb from limb on the spot; but superstition prevented his assailants from defiling with blood the court of the Jews, in which he was caught, and, before they got him hustled into the court of the Gentiles, where they would soon have despatched him, the Roman guard, whose sentries were pacing the castle-ramparts which overlooked the temple-courts, rushed down and took him under their protection; and, when their captain learned that he was a Roman citizen, his safety was secured. その場で彼がばらばらに引き裂かれてしまわなかったことは不思議であるが、彼が捕らえられたユダヤ人の神殿の中庭を血で汚すことを、加害者たちお迷信が妨げた。彼らが彼を異邦人の法定に引き立てて行く前に、神殿の庭を監視していたローマの番兵が駆け下りてきてパウロを保護した。隊長が、彼はローマ市民だときくとパウロの安全は確保された。

167. But the fanaticism of Jerusalem was now thoroughly aroused, and it raged against the protection which surrounded Paul like an angry sea.

The Roman captain on the day after the apprehension took him down to the Sanhedrin in order to ascertain the charge against him; but the sight of the prisoner created such an uproar that he had to hurry him away, lest he should be torn in pieces. その日ローマの隊長は彼と会見した後、彼に対する訴えを審議するため、彼をサンヒドリン議会に連れて行った。しかし囚人が引き裂かれそうな情景を見て、彼が粉々に引き裂かれるのを防ぐため、急いで彼を連れ出した。
Strange city and strange people! 奇妙な町、奇妙な国民よ!
There was never a nation which produced sons more richly dowered with gifts to make her name immortal; there was never a city whose children clung to her with a more passionate affection; yet, like a mad mother, she tore the very goodliest of them in pieces and dashed them mangled from her breast. その名を不滅のものとする賜物をより豊に与える息子たちを生み出した国民は決して何処にも存在しない。その子どもたちがもっと情熱的な愛を注いだ町は決してどこにもない。しかし狂った母のように彼女は正しく最善の子たちを自分の乳房から引きはなし、粉々にかき裂いたのであった。
Jerusalem was now within a few years of her destruction; here was the last of her inspired and prophetic sons come to visit her for the last time, with boundless love to her in his heart; but she would have murdered him; and only the shields of the Gentiles saved him from her fury. エルサレムはそれから数年の後に滅びたのであった。ここに彼女の霊感を受けた予言者の息子が、そのこころには彼女に対する計り知れない愛もって、彼女を最後の訪問をしていた。 しかし彼女は彼を殺害しようとしていた。異邦人の保護のみが彼女の怒りから彼を救ったのであった。
168. Forty zealots banded themselves together under a curse to snatch Paul even from the midst of the Roman swords; and the Roman captain was only able to foil their plot by sending him under a heavy escort down to Caesarea. 168.ローマの剣の中からさえパウロを強奪しようと誓い合った。ローマ人の隊長が厳重な警護をつけて彼をカイザリヤに移送することによる以外には、彼らの悪巧みの裏をかく手段がなかった。
This was a Roman city on the Mediterranean coast; it was the residence of the Roman governor of Palestine and the headquarters of the Roman garrison; and in it the apostle was perfectly safe from Jewish violence. カイザリヤは地中海沿岸のローマの町で、パレスチナを担当するローマの支配者たちの住居があり、ローマ軍の司令部がある駐屯地であった。

169. Imprisonment at Caesarea.
--Here he remained in prison for two years.

The Jewish authorities attempted again and again either to procure his condemnation by the governor or to get him delivered up to themselves, to be tried as an ecclesiastical offender; but they failed to convince the governor that Paul had been guilty of any crime of which he could take cognizance or to persuade him to hand over a Roman citizen to their tender mercies. ユダヤ人の指導者たちは繰り返し総督による死刑宣告を得ようと試み、あるいは彼らのところに引き渡してもらい宗教裁判にかけようとした。しかし総督には、彼に何の罪も認められなかったため、その試みは失敗に帰した。 総督は彼にローマ市民に対する優しい恩恵を与えることを承認していた。
The prisoner ought to have been released, but his enemies were so vehement in asserting that he was a criminal of the deepest dye that he was detained on the chance of new evidence turning up against him. 囚人は釈放されるべきであったが、彼の敵たちが、彼が死に値する罪をおかしていると激烈に主張したため、彼に対する新たな証拠が得られるかもしれないとして引きつづき拘留されていた。
Besides, his release was prevented by the expectation of the corrupt governor, Felix, that the life of the leader of a religious sect might be purchased from him with a bribe. おまけに彼の釈放は腐敗した支配者ペリクスによって妨げられた。 宗教の一派のリーダーのいのちを賄賂と引き換えにするかも知れないと、ペリクスは思った。
Felix was interested in his prisoner and even heard him gladly, as Herod had listened to the Baptist. ペリクスは彼の囚人に興味をいだき、喜んで彼に聞いた、ヘロデがバプテスマのヨハネに聞いたように。